Whether you’re a full-time curriculum classroom teacher, a peripatetic teacher, a whole-class ensemble leader, or a music assistant, your vocal presence is vital for a successful learning and teaching...
Jenna Brown KS 3This resource will outline how to use composing tasks to create a vivid, dramatic version of Dickens’s A Christmas Carol with a KS3 group. The tasks will focus on moments and motifs from the story and...
Richard Barnard CompositionIn this resource, we look at strategies to help teachers manage their heavy workload in such a way that it doesn't damage their health and wellbeing.
Dice Wood Health & WellbeingIn this resource, we’ll look at the tools to bring mindful practice into the music classroom and also consider its application in day-to-day life as well as in music, with some specific lesson ideas.
Chris Woods Teaching MaterialsConducting a choir can be a daunting task for a whole-class or instrumental/vocal teacher. It’s common to be uncertain about keeping a clear beat, and how to coordinate using both hands, face and...
Jenna Brown Teaching MaterialsBuzzwords can be a real turn-off for teachers – particularly practitioners who have been in the classroom for a long time. Fads come and go, and as the next excited colleague stands up with a ‘fix’...
Dice Wood Teaching MaterialsIn this resource, we’ll look at some key, practical ideas for warming up singers. These include warming up the body; activating and warming up the breath; warming up the voice itself; and warming up...
Jenna Brown Teaching MaterialsTechnology continues to move on at quite a pace, with new apps and websites constantly being developed. This resource highlights gems that could help you reduce workload, streamline a process, or make...
Dice Wood Teaching MaterialsThe absence of boys in choirs is a perennial problem. This resource will share insights from boys and men who have had a variety of experiences singing as children and teens, and suggest practical...
Jenna Brown Teaching MaterialsNurturing confidence in composition is absolutely crucial. In this resource, we’ll look at different scenarios for KS3 groups with a range of composing experience. We’ll outline short ‘quick-win’...
Richard Barnard Teaching MaterialsA successful music department relies on the community around it – students, staff, parents, friends and the broader local community. Without all these elements, it’s hard to sustain a programme that...
James Manwaring Teaching MaterialsWhether you’re teaching in primary, secondary, post-16 or alternative provisions, singing in a choir is a fantastic opportunity to offer to young people. This resource introduces key considerations...
Jenna Brown Teaching Materials