Teaching Materials | Composition

AQA AoS6: Contemporary traditional music

In this resource we will look at music by the artists and composers prescribed by AQA in Area of Study 6: Contemporary Traditional Music. The focus will be on providing background on these artists and...

Secondary education

OCR AoS1: Beethoven's Eroica Symphony, first movement

The first movement of the Eroica is of epic length, built on a nexus of closely related themes, with rebellious touches that merit inspection in every paragraph.
This resource is about how to navigate...

Secondary education

Composing to a brief

All the GCSE boards stipulate that one of the two submitted compositions must be composed to a brief set by the board. The good thing about this is that choosing from a range of options is almost...

Secondary education

Edexcel AoS5: Anoushka Shankar's Breathing Under Water

Sitar player and composer Anoushka Shankar's fifth album, Breathing Under Water, was recorded in numerous locations over the course of ten months, and released in August 2007.

Secondary education

OCR AoS3 Rhythms of the World, part 1: the Indian Subcontinent, the eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East

This resource covers around half of the styles specified in the OCR AoS, and contains required knowledge as well as details of musical activities that will deepen students’ understanding of the...

Secondary education

Songwriting activities for KS3

Whatever our motivation for setting our students off with a songwriting task, there’s always a danger that with familiarity comes an assumption that it’s something they’ll be able to ‘just go off and...

Secondary education

OCR AoS6: Innovations of the 20th Century, part 2

Having covered late-Romantic symphonic styles, Impressionism, Expressionism, atonality and serialism in Part 1 of this resource (Music Teacher, December 2016), we resume our exploration of this vast...

Secondary education

Developing musical ideas

Music teachers will be very familiar with the challenge of supporting their students in developing musical ideas beyond the initial stages of composition. In this resource we consider some ways in...

Secondary education

Help! I'm stuck on my composition!

Most students find composing hard, and it's fair to say that the old adage of ‘1 per cent inspiration, 99 per cent perspiration’ is about right. When controlled conditions give a time limit for...

Secondary education