Teaching Materials

Contemporary classical music at KS3

This resource will explore a number of approaches to teaching contemporary classical music at KS3. It will attempt to curate some of the extensive literature and resources, available both online and...

KS 3

Developing wider listening – the 20th century: part one

Understanding the background and context to music they play or listen to is an incredibly useful skill for all music students. This series aims to broaden that knowledge of musical style across the...

KS 4

Instrumental teaching in schools: roles, rights and responsibilities

For some musicians, instrumental teaching in schools is a full-time vocation. For others, it provides a welcome element of relative stability in an otherwise volatile and unpredictable world of...


Learning through story

As pupils move through school and beyond, their progress on a musical instrument is rarely smooth. A common – and serious – stumbling block for many is performance anxiety. This can emerge at any...


World tour: popular music from West Africa

The previous stop on our World Tour series was the Middle East (Music Teacher, March 2021), and for
our fifth resource of the series we cross the Red Sea and head west to explore some of the...

KS 3

Teaching adults

This resource explores the topic of teaching adult students. For the purposes of this resource, I’ll define
adult learners as those who are not learning in a formal educational context, ie school,...


AQA AoS4: Kodály’s Háry János

Zoltán Kodály’s slogan was ‘Let music belong to everyone!’ And that’s a sentiment very much on display
in the suite taken from his popular light opera Háry János. AQA have produced a detailed...

KS 4


Following last month’s resource on BandLab (Music Teacher, June 2021), this month we turn to Soundtrap. Soundtrap and BandLab are both digital audio workstations (or DAWs) based in the cloud. They are...

KS 3

Developing wider listening: the Romantic period

The Romantic period, which lasted for most of the 19th century and left a strong legacy in the 20th and beyond, was a time of great change in all art forms. In this resource, which follows on from...

KS 4

OCR AoS 1: Haydn Symphony No. 48 (Maria Theresia)

This prescribed work should be studied and contextualised within a number of other works in this Area of Study. Studying other symphonies by Haydn, as well as some by Mozart and Beethoven, will be...

KS 5

The basics of brass: establishing secure technical foundations

This is a practical guide for teaching beginner brass, explaining some basic principles in a user-friendly, jargon-free way. There are books available that explain the physics and physiology of brass...


AQA AoS3: Paul Simon’s Graceland

In this resource we will look at the context and musical language of three songs from Graceland, which have been prescribed by AQA for study for the GCSE exam taken in 2022 and beyond as part of Area...

KS 4