Teaching Materials

Edexcel AoS3: wider listening, part 2

Last month we looked at the first two of the four pieces of music suggested by Pearson Edexcel for wider listening as part of Area of Study (AoS) 3, Music for Stage and Screen. In this month’s...

Teaching Materials

‘No-practice’ instrumental lessons

In an ideal world, our students would bound up to the practice room door exactly two minutes before their allotted lesson time, instruments and books in hand, keen as mustard to demonstrate the fruits...

Teaching Materials

Marketing your music department

In this resource, we’ll be looking at how you can effectively market your music department. We’ll consider why this is something you should do, and also some of the steps you need to take. We’ll look...

Teaching Materials

Festive study: ‘White Winter Hymnal’

In the lead up to Christmas, there are a lot of pulls on a music department. Having back-up resources that require limited effort from teachers and yet create rich learning activities with...

Teaching Materials

Online escape room games and low-stakes quizzing

Low-stakes testing is considered a good tool in our repertoire, allowing us to understand what progress students have made and what needs consolidation before moving on. Exploring content when it’s...

Teaching Materials

Edexcel AoS3: wider listening, part 1

Over the past two years, our on-going Developing Wider Listening series has provided resources covering genres and styles from Baroque times to the present day, including several that are specifically...

Teaching Materials

Breathing for wind players and singers

By the time an average ten-year-old first enters my teaching room, they will have taken around 150 million breaths in their lifetime. After 150 million repetitions of something, you’d think you’d be...

Teaching Materials

Group instrumental teaching in special education

The revised National Plan for Music Education’s stipulation that students in all schools – including special education schools. This resource begins by grounding our work within the social model of...

Teaching Materials

Sound recording: managing a recording session

Welcome to the final resource in a three-part series covering recording in the classroom (for the previous two resources, see Music Teacher, April 2023 and July 2023). This time, we’ll move on to the...

Teaching Materials

WJEC AoS4: Manic Street Preachers ‘Everything Must Go’

In this resource, I don’t intend to replicate the content of any of the excellent resources available on the WJEC website. Instead, the resource will suggest ways into tackling the song through...

Teaching Materials

Developing wider listening: jazz, part 1

Few musical genres developed faster than jazz. Within some 30 years, this loosely termed style rose from African-American folk beginnings to become the most popular music in America. Much of this...

Teaching Materials

Self-employment part 3: relationships

In the first two resources of this three-part series on self-employment (Music Teacher, July 2023 and August 2023), we considered the main issues we need to think about when running a business as a...

Teaching Materials