
Teachers and schools encouraged to help Ukraine Music Hub

The hub is designed to support musicians from Ukraine now living in the UK and provide music tuition for all ages and abilities.

A group of London-based musicians and teachers have formed the Ukraine Music Hub, which aims to provide musicians from Ukraine with support, instruments, connections to music tuition, and spaces to take lessons. 

With a vision to build a UK-wide database, the voluntary hub is encouraging music teachers across the UK with an enhanced DBS to register for teaching hours on a voluntary basis. 

Schools are encouraged to offer their spaces for lessons, and several schools across the country have already committed to providing their facilities so far. 

The public is also invited to donate or loan any musical instruments they don’t use to the hub. 

While currently the music hub is supporting individual music lessons, in the future they hope to offer group music making opportunities. 

Contact the organisers on, or call 07306014873.