
Practical Classroom Tech: Inventory time

As term begins to wind down, now is a good time to check through all your technology and ensure that it is fit for another year of use. Tim Hallas advises how.

If your timetable is anything like mine, once your exam classes are off, you'll have a few extra hours in the week to deal with those jobs that have piled up during the last academic year – when you've barely had a chance to breathe, let alone service a keyboard. Here are a few tips to get you started.

Just like musical instruments, technology works better with regular maintenance and care. During the year, a computer in a music department might have several hundred different users, each creating their own login details and saving files to the machine. Even if your computers are very new and of an incredibly high specification (in which case, lucky you), this is still a lot of different users and files for the computer's indexing system to organise. Students, being students, won't always put their files in the correct places. You could easily end up with thousands of files saved locally.

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