In this resource, we’ll see how minimalism began and quickly took hold, look at the music of its most prominent composers, and find out how it infiltrated the musical style of some notable pop artists...
Simon Rushby CompositionThis resource will outline how to use composing tasks to create a vivid, dramatic version of Dickens’s A Christmas Carol with a KS3 group. The tasks will focus on moments and motifs from the story and...
Richard Barnard CompositionThe main focus of this resource is to examine how notation can both inspire and hinder students in their composing. We’ll concentrate mainly on Western staff notation and its use in various styles,...
Richard Barnard Teaching MaterialsThis resource will focus on three iconic pieces from the first half of the 20th century, listed in OCR’s Area of Study 6 (Innovations in music 1900-present day): Messiaen’s Quartet for the End of...
Richard Barnard Teaching MaterialsNurturing confidence in composition is absolutely crucial. In this resource, we’ll look at different scenarios for KS3 groups with a range of composing experience. We’ll outline short ‘quick-win’...
Richard Barnard Teaching MaterialsGCSE composing briefs tend to be fairly vague and... brief! In this resource we’ll explore what elements to focus on, how to use the given briefs to your students’ advantage, and how to choose the...
Richard Barnard Teaching MaterialsIt’s crucial for any non-experienced composer to understand specific steps to navigate their way to a finished composition.
Richard Barnard Teaching MaterialsIn this resource I’ll delve deeper into the development process, looking in more detail at techniques and suggestions to create sophisticated musical progression in composition from a starting idea.
Richard Barnard Teaching MaterialsComposition is one of the crucial components of any music curriculum. Students need to be given the opportunity to compose, and the guidance to succeed. They also need to see how composition links in...
James Manwaring Teaching MaterialsThis resource looks at why and how to include composing activities in instrumental lessons, regardless of your own composition experience.
Richard Barnard Teaching MaterialsThe subject of arranging is vast, so in this resource I’ll focus on chord and riff arrangement, since it’s the staple of most popular guitar playing. I’m also only working in the realms of popular...
Paul White Teaching MaterialsThis resource will take you through the process of teaching improvisation and composition within a class setting, working with students with different abilities and little improvisatory experience....
Richard Barnard Teaching Materials